「Four Seasons in "Haiku"-poems」

□ 自分の俳句だけ、英訳を試みてみました。
□ The following were english translations of "Haiku"-poems composed by Philip. I hope you would enjoy them.

・ 朧月母を訪ねて帰る夜

On a misty moonlit night
I went home
After visiting my mother

・ うすき紅朝日に映えて梅の春

Thousands of petals
Shine in the Sun
Oh! the sweet scent of plum-blossom

・ 花吹雪憂いもすべて飛び去りぬ

With flower brizards
Anxieties were gone
As petals joyfully dancing

・ 新緑や古びし我が家輝きぬ

Surrounded by green leaves
My old residence
Shines with glory

・ 友逝きて御国近づく冬の朝

The Heaven drew nearer
When my friend went home
On a winter morn

.             ・ "Haiku"-poems written in Japanese cursive letters were found in my fathere's file cabinet.
.             It seemed that he wrote those while I were gone to India to study there to prepare to become a missionary.



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