Philip's Photo Gallary in English

Co-workers in the Gospel when we were serving as  Japanese missionaries in the Carribean. They came to meet us when we had visited our old friends in Fortwyane, Ind. "One of the wonderful things that Christ had given us as we served Him was the sweet fellowship with so many different people whom we met in our work for Christ."

・ Our fellowship continues though we might not meet so often as we live in so many different parts of the world.

Rev. & Mrs. Harold Johnson, who were Wesleyan missionaries in early days, with their two daughters.

"The Johnsons were our teachers when we , my wife and myself studied at the Bible Training College in Japan."

・ The Immanuel Wesleyan Federation was formed in 1952 to cooperate in the spreading of the Gospel in Japan and around the world.

Brother & Sister Wesley Johnson of Jamaica, teachers at the Carribean Wesleyan College.  "Rev. and Mrs. W. Johnson are leaders of the Carribean Wesleyan Holiness Church at present."

・ They were serving as pastors of the Montego Bay Wesleyan Church when we were at the Carribean Wesleyan College.

She was an IGM missionary to Haiti, who had served as a nurse at the Wesleyan Clinic. "Miss R. Clair. N. is now in Japan due to an unstable political condition in Haiti."

・ Miss R.Clair. N. was full of activities when we visited her on the field on the island of La Gnove in Haiti."

infoseek 為替情報

■ You can enjoy some fifty photos that would show beautiful scenes of the "Tosa no Kuni"
. . . . (i.e. the Kouchi Prefecture) taken by Philip.

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